In 1993, PDK ASSOCIATES changed the practice’s working strategy by focusing on two development sectors – leisure (cinemas & restaurants) and social housing. This led to a series of successful projects, including a 66,000 sq.ft. cinema and restaurant complex in Wood Green, North London, an 8 screen multiplex cinema in Nuneaton, a series of schemes for City Centre Restaurants and a programme of social housing schemes for Ujima Housing Association.
For Ujima, two schemes of a very high density secured a significant number of dwellings in Lambeth. Our practice went on to negotiate a run of schemes for them, assisting their role as ‘HA key partner’ status in that Borough.
Since 2001, our extensive experience in project management to planning stage has broadened to include the management of a large pipeline of planning projects. Larger clients have included UCI CINEMAS, LLOYDS BANK, UJIMA HOUSING ASSOCIATION, CITY CENTRE RESTAURANTS, MEPC and MOORFIELD ESTATES.
Between 2002 and 2003 a stable of 7 architectural practices were brought together and managed by
PETER KYTE for a property investor/developer, involving assessing a development portfolio of circa. 800 sites.
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We look forward to hearing from you.